NP Update (May 2019)

During February, March & April, there was an eight week public consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. As part of that consultation, views and comments were sought on the 16 policies within the plan (called a Regulation 14 Consultation). Questionnaires were available in hard copy and on-line versions, and the previous copy of this magazine also contained ballot information.

Thank you to those who took time to complete this ballot, your answers and comments will be used in the next stage.

Seventy completed questionnaires were received and the results were as follows:-

PolicyItem% Voted In
1Sustainable Development & The Development Boundary91.43%
2Protecting the Natural Environment and Landscape Character97.14%
3Design Principles98.53%
4A mix of housing types97.1%
5Designation of Local Green Spaces95.65%
6Maintaining Local Employment97.06%
7Enhancing the provision of community facilities98.53%
8NP02 Land at the Laurels, Station Road (up to 3 dwellings)88.57%
9NP07 Land at Kilmeadon West Moor Road (up to 3 dwellings)88.57%
10NP09 Land North of Fountain Hill Road (up to 3 dwellings)94.12%
11NP13a/13b Land at Fountain Hill Road (up to 6 dwellings)92.65%
12NP14 Land East of Stockwith Road (up to 12 dwellings)88.57%
13NP16 Land at Lilacs Cave Lane (up to 4 dwellings)94.2%
14NP23 Land East of Brickenhole Lane (up to 12 dwellings)80%
15NP24 Land West of High Street (up to 12 dwellings)74.29%
16NP26 Land South of South Moor Road (up to 15 dwellings)80%
Do you broadly support the Neighbourhood Plan Document?  98.36%

Comments and results will now be analysed and modifications made (if required) to the original document. That document will then go to an independent inspector to ensure its validity. There will then be a public referendum to approve or dismiss the plan.

If approved the plan will form the basis of planning policy for Walkeringham